What is the sales tax in the city?
State: 6.25% County: 0.5% Local 1.5% Total: 8.25%
State: 6.25% County: 0.5% Local 1.5% Total: 8.25%
After filing with the State, provide City Hall with your approved application and a liquor license certificate will be provided.
The City of New Fairview is now accepting Pioneer Road- FM 407 TxDOT CONNECTION. The City of New Fairview has bidding and quoting opportunities throughout the year when needs arise. Legal notices will be advertised in the Wise County Messenger, as well as posted on our website and at City Hall located at 999 Illinois … Continued
This is how they look?
This is an example of a FAQ on a department page.
Contact City Hall 817-638-5366 or file a formal complaint here
Contact Frontier Waste Solutions
All election information pertaining to The City of New Fairview can be found on here.
Contact City Hall for polling locations.