What are zoning restrictions in the city?
Zoning Restrictions can be found by contacting City Hall at 817-638-5366 or info@newfairview.org
Zoning Restrictions can be found by contacting City Hall at 817-638-5366 or info@newfairview.org
The city of New Fairview dog ordinance states that all animals must be contained within ones yard. A formal complaint can be filed on the website or by contacting City Hall 817-638-5366.
Housing code violations can be reported by filing a formal complaint on the website or can be reported directly to City Hall 817-638-5366 or emailing info@newfairview.org
Formal request forms for municipal codes can be found on our website or by Contact City Hall at 817-638-5366 or email info@newfairview.org
Public water payments can be paid directly to either Southwest Water Company or Aqua Texas
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