Who do I call about police-related non-emergencies?
For non emergency calls contact either Wise County Sheriff’s Office: 940-627-5971 Denton County Sheriff’s Office: 940-349-1600
For non emergency calls contact either Wise County Sheriff’s Office: 940-627-5971 Denton County Sheriff’s Office: 940-349-1600
Contact your local Sheriff’s Office Wise County Sheriff’s Office: 940-627-5971 Denton County Sheriff’s Office: 940-349-1600
IF AN EMERGENCY CALL 911 For non emergency calls contact either Wise County Sheriff’s Office: 940-627-5971 Denton County Sheriff’s Office: 940-349-1600
Contact City Hall 817-638-5366 or file a formal complaint here
Contact Frontier Waste Solutions
All election information pertaining to The City of New Fairview can be found on here.
Contact City Hall for polling locations.
By Contacting the elections office at Wise County Elections Office: 940-626-4453 Denton County Elections Office: 940-349-3200
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