http://New Fairview City Council calls Municipal Development District Election

Master Fee Schedule 10.16.2023

Master Fee Schedule

New Fee Scehedule 10.01.2024
Approved by City Council Ordinance #202408-02-112
on 09/03/2024
Types of Fees Fee
Use of Credit/Debit Card 3.5% of the Total Amount Due
 Public Fax (Local) $3.00 per page (send/receive)
Insufficient Funds/Return Check Fee $30.00/check
City Maps up to 11 x 17 $5.00
Notary Signature (non-residents only) $10.00/document
Large Base Map $100.00
Refund of Transportation Impact Fee 10% Adminsitrative Fee for any refunds of Transportation Impact Fee
Open Records Request
Personnel Labor Cost $20.00/hour
Copies (B & W) $0.10/page
Copies (Color) $0.50/page
Shipping Actual Cost
Postage and Shipping Actual Cost
USB Actual Cost
New Construction
New Single Family Residential
Building Permit $700 + $0.50/sq. foot
Plan Review 50% of the New Construction Permit
Fire Code Review (If Applicable) $100
New Multi-Family Residential
Building Permit Commercial Step Rate
Plan Review 65% of Building Permit
Fire Code Review (If Applicable) 20% of Building Permit
New Commercial
Building Permit Commercial Step Rate
Plan Review 65% of Building Permit
Fire Code Review (If Applicable) 20% of Building Permit
$1.00 to $5,000.00 $110.00
$5,001.00 to $10,000.00 $130.00
$10,001.00 to $25,000.00 $130 for 1st $10,000; + $14 per each additional $1,000.00
$25,001.00 to $50,000.00 $303 for 1st $25,000; + $12.12 per each additional $1,000.00
$50,001.00 to $100,000.00 $421.25 for 1st $50,000; + $10.10 per each additional $1,000.00
$100,001.00 to $500,000.00 $1,023.75 for 1st $100,000; + $5.60 per each additional $1,000.00
$500,001.00 to $1,000,000.00 $3,263.75 for 1st $500,000; + $4.75 per each additional $1,000.00
$1,000,001.00 and UP $5,638.75 for 1st $1,000,000; + $3.15 per each additional $1,000.00
Other New Construction Fees
Final Certificate of Occupancy (Not applicable to Manufactured Homes) $150 Residential/$250 Commercial
Driveway with Curb Cut $100 Residential/$200 Commerical
Culvert Permit $200-Residential/$300 Commercial
Sign Permit Monument  $100.00
Irrigation $100 Residential/$150 Commercial
Fence $100 Residential/$180 Commercial
Accessory Building Air Conditioned Space $.75 square foot, Non Air Conditioned Space  $.50 square foot, Buildings not on slab $.23 square foot
New Construction Shell- Mixed Use Building Commercial Step Rate
Shell Building Commercial Step Rate
Grading Permit $100 for Residential/ $300 for Commercial
Storm/Tornado Shelter Prefab and Built On-Site $400 for Prefab/$450  for Built on Site
Re-Inspection Fees
Re-Inspections Fees after second red-tag $100
Re-Inspection Fees after
third red-tag
Re-Inspection  Fees after
fourth red-tag
Work Without Permit
Double the permit fee for anyone caught working without a permit.
Alterations, Repairs, Remodels, and Add-Ons
Building Permit $600 + $1.00 Sq. Foot
Building Permit Commercial Step Rate
Fire Code Review (if applicable) $80
Final Certificate of Occupancy $100
Mixed Use
Finish Out Mixed Use- Residential $1.00 Sq. Foot
Finish Out Mixed Use- Commercial   Commercial Step Rate
Other Charges
Curb Cut- Established Driveway $100 Residential/$200 Commercial
Culvert Permit $200 Residential/$300 Commercial
Deck > 30” Above Ground $100
Demolition- Entire Building $200
Demolition- Interior $50
Demolition- Pool $200
Fence $100 Residential/$180 Commercial
Foundation Repair $150
Gas Test $100 Residential/$200 Commercial
Retaining Wall > 48” Tall $100
Siding $100
Licenses, Registrations, and Trades
Registration for Un-Licensed Contractors $100 Residential/Commerical
Electrical, Gas, Mechanical, Plumbing Permit $100 Residential/Commercial
Solicitor's Registration $75.00
Solicitor's Idenitfication Badge $2.50
Mobile Food Permit: Open Food (Annual) $200.00
Food Truck Health Permit Fee (Annual- Health Inspection) $130.00
Food Truck Reinspection Fee $50.00
Other Charges
Demolition Permit $200
Carport/Canopy/Patio Cover $100
Construction Trailer $100
Commercial Flat Work (Parking Lot) $200
Concrete Patio/Sidewalks $100
Residential Flat Work (Patio Side Walls) $100
Garage Sale Free
Miscellaneous $100.00
Move-In Manufactured Home $1,100 + Truck Fee plus direct expenses of professional consultants for review of application and submitted materials
Move In- Truck $100 per truck
Roof $100 Residential/$200 Commercial
Sales Trailer $100
Screening Wall $100
Sign- Banner $75.00
Sign- Permanent $150
Solar Panels $250
Water Heater $150
Window Replacement $75
Excavation Permit 2% of $2,500-$100,000 1% of $100,001- $200,000  1/2% of $200,000
Access Control $50.00
Alarm System $100 per floor + $2.00 per device
Christmas Tree Lot $50.00
Explosive and Blasting $50.00
Fixed Extinguishing System $75.00 per system
Flammable / Combust Liquid / Tanks $50.00
Fumigation / Thermal Insect Fog $50.00
Hydrant Flow Test $50.00
Liquid Petroleum Gases $25.00
Mechanical Trench Burn $200 per day
Places of Assembly $50.00
Sprinkler System – New $125 per riser / system + $0.012 per sf
Sprinkler System – Remodel – Between 0-40 heads $50.00
Sprinkler System – Remodel – Between 41 or more heads $100.00
Standpipe System $100 per system
Tents / Canopies / Air Supported $50.00
Underground Sprinkler System $50.00
Oil and Gas Construction Permit $5,000.00 per well, per bore
Seismic Survey $1,000.00
Appeal Fee $300.00
Restaurant $300
Convenience Store $300
Grocery Store $300
Administration Fee for Annual Health Inspections $100
Food Establishment Re-Inspection Fee $120
Seasonal Vendors (i.e., snow cones, ice cream truck) $100
Health Complaints $150
Junk Vehicles -Code Enforcement Actual Cost Incurred
OSSF- Septic Permit Package $550 for Residential/$1000 for Non-Residential
OSSF- Additional Septic Inspections $100
OSSF- Septic Modifications $150 for Residential/$250 for Non-Residential
Water Well in City Limits $200
Swimming Pool (Health Inspection by the County is seprate fee paid to the county- For Commerical Only ) $400 Residential/$450 Commercial
Administrative fee for Abatement $250.00
Annexations $500.00 plus direct expenses of professional consultants for review of application and submitted material.
Concept Plan $500.00
Final Plat – Commercial $400.00 plus $50.00 per acre plus direct expenses of professional consultants for review of application and submitted material.
Final Plat – Residential $400.00 plus $10.00 per lot for the first 10 lots and $7.00 per each additional lot plus $20.00 per acre for acres not platted into lots plus direct expenses of professional consultants for review of application and submitted material.
Planned Development $1000 Per PD plus direct expenses of professional consultants for review of application and submitted materials
Plat Abandonment $200.00
Plat Revision $300.00 plus direct expenses of professional consultants for review of application and submitted material.
Plat Revision Notice $20.00 per Notice
Preliminary Plat – Commercial $700.00 plus $50.00 per acre plus direct expenses of professional consultants for review of application and submitted material.
Preliminary Plat – Residential $700.00 plus $20.00 per lot for the first 10 lots and $7.00 per each additional lot plus $25.00 per acre areas not platted into lots plus direct expenses of professional consultants for review of application and submitted material.
Re-Plat $100.00 plus $2.00 per lot plus direct expenses of professional consultants for review of application and submitted material.
Refunding of Fees The City Secretary may refund moneys collected as fees, if the application is withdrawn and no expenses have been incurred by the City on the applicant’s behalf. Written request is required within ten (10) days by the applicant for the City Secretary to refund any inadvertent overcharges.
Resubmitted Final Plat $50.00 plus direct expenses of professional consultants for review of application and submitted material.
Resubmitted Preliminary Plat $50.00 plus direct expenses of professional consultants for review of application and submitted material.
Specific Use Permit $400.00 plus direct expenses of professional consultants for review of application and submitted material.
Variance $400 per Variance plus $50 for each additional Variance Request within the same Application plus direct expenses of professional consultants for review of application and submitted material.
Zoning Change $400.00 plus direct expenses of professional consultants for review of application and submitted material.
Special Event Permit $25
Park Pavilion Deposit- Refundable $100
Park Pavilion Rental for Non- Resident (Non-Refundable) $45 for 3-hours and $5 for each additional hour
Farmers Market Vendor Permit (Non-Refundable) $50
Park Pavilion Rental for Residents of New Fairview (Non-Refundable) $32 for 3-hours and $5 for each additional hour
Utility- Electric Release Free
Utility- Water Release Free
Utility and Pipeline Fees (Professional fees will be billed) $200 plus Professional Fees
Single Family $3,819.69/Dwelling Unit
Mulit-Family $2,719.92/Dwelling Unit
Retail- Any and all commerical developments that will sell goods such as fast food, grocery, strip centers, Liqour Stores, or Box Stores $7,909.48/ 1,000 Sq. Foot
Basic- (Small) Any Warehouses, Industrial, Manufacturing,
and storage facility buildings, that have a total area of 200,000 SQFT or less
$525.17/1,000 Sq. Foot
Basic- (Large) Any Warehouses, Industrial, Manufacturing,
and storage facility buildings, that have a total area of 200,000 SQFT or more
$1,317.76/1,000 Sq. Foot
Service- Any industry developments such as banks, doctors, vets, & daycares $3,297.48/1,000 Sq. Foot
Parking Lots- no buildings- RV Parks and RV/Boat Storage Short Term Parking $500.00 per Parking Spot / Long Term Parking $100 per Parking Spot
Refund of Transportation Impact Fee 10% Adminsitrative Fee for any refunds of Transportation Impact Fee
Upper Trinity Groundwater
Conservation District-
Certification for Platting





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