http://New Fairview City Council calls Municipal Development District Election

City Council Meeting: January 20, 2020

Jan 20 2020

7:00 pm New Fairview City Hall

999 Illinois St, Rhome 76078

January 20, 2020
7:00 P.M.
New Fairview City Hall
999 Illinois Ln.
New Fairview TX 76078

Pursuant to Section 551.071 of the Texas Government Code, the Council may convene into Executive
Session(s) from time to time as deemed necessary during the meeting for any posted agenda item and
may receive advice from its attorney as permitted by law.

All matters listed as Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be
enacted by one motion. There will not be a separate discussion of these items. If discussion is
desired, that item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately.


The City Council invites persons with comments or observations related to city issues, projects, or
policies to briefly address the City Council. Anyone wishing to speak should sign-in with the City
Secretary before the beginning of the City Council meeting. In order to expedite the flow of business
and to provide all citizens the opportunity to speak, there is a three-minute limitation on any person
addressing the City Council. State law prohibits the City Council from discussing or taking action on
any item not listed on the posted agenda.


A. Discuss, consider and act on applications and training program for planning & Zoning to get
a Planning & Zoning Commission in place
B. Discuss, consider and act on hiring a city manager and or finance advisor
C. Discuss, consider and act on bookkeeping systems and procedures
D. Discuss, consider and act on goal, office responsibilities
E. Discuss, consider and act on hiring the third office employee replacement
F. Discuss, consider and act on employee insurance
G. Discuss and report on website


A. Discuss, consider and act on presentation from Don Dystra- Constellation Lake
B. Discuss, consider and act on Graham Rd zoning with Dennis Johnson
C. Discuss, consider and act on an ordinance establishing places for the City Council and
establishing terms for the city council
D. Discuss, consider and act on a resolution ordering a general election for City Council, Place
1, Place 3 and Place 5 and ordering a special election for City Council, Place 2 and Place 4


I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify the above notice of the meeting of the City Council of New
Fairview, is a true and correct copy of the said notice that I posted on the official posting place at New
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Fairview City Hall, FM 407, New Fairview, Texas, a place of convenience and readily accessible to the
general public at all times, and said notice posted this 17th day of January 2020 at 7:00PM at least 72 hours
proceeding the meeting time.
Monica Rodriguez, City Secretary

This facility is wheelchair accessible, parking spaces are available. Request for accommodations or
interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the city secretary at city
hall 817-638-5366 or fax 817-638-5369 or by email at for further

May 26, 2020
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JANUARY 20, 2020
7:00 P.M.



Pursuant to Section 551.071 of the Texas Government Code, the Council may convene into Executive
Session(s) from time to time as deemed necessary during the meeting for any posted agenda item and may
receive advice from its attorney as permitted by law.

Mayor Joe Max Wilson
Mayor Pro Tem Scott Johnson
Councilman Rick White
Councilman Charlie Stumm
Councilwoman Rebecca McPherson
Councilman Bill Payne

City Secretary Monica Rodriguez
City Clerk Brooke Boller
City Attorney Bradley Anderle
Don Dykstra – Constellation Lake

Mayor Wilson called the meeting to order at 8:02 P.M.

Roll call with the above-mentioned names present


All matters listed as Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted
by one motion. There will not be a separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item
will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately.


The City Council invites persons with comments or observations related to city issues, projects, or
policies to briefly address the City Council. Anyone wishing to speak should sign-in with the City
Secretary before the beginning of the City Council meeting. In order to expedite the flow of business and
to provide all citizens the opportunity to speak, there is a three-minute limitation on any person
addressing the City Council. State law prohibits the City Council from discussing or taking action on any
item not listed on the posted agenda.
Originally Connie Stewart wished to speak regarding the upcoming elections, however she was not
present at the time Open Forum convened. No comments were brought forth.


A. Discuss, consider and act on applications and training program for planning &
Zoning to get a Planning & Zoning Commission in place
It is the intention to have a committee fully operating by the end of July 2020.
Those to be considered must attend at least six city council meetings to be considered active.
Training by Barry Hudson, P&Z will get training with the engineers about the highways and sewage.
Also meet with Bradley Anderle over legal issues and what they should do.
Have them attend some state workshops.
Scott Johnson and Bill Payne plan to attend NCTCOG training on city issues revolving around P&Z
commissions and have extended the invitation to others considering joining the P&Z committee. It is
uncertain if, at this time, the city could pay for anyone not currently on the city council. The cost is $230.
Monica and Brooke will work together to build the guidelines, training programs and the applications for
anyone wishing to join and bring them to the February 3, 2020 meeting for review.
Barry Hudson will put on workshops.
City Clerk will post information and applications on the city website.

B. Discuss, consider and act on hiring a city manager and or finance advisor
Council agrees, with all the growth within the city the city will need a City Manager to be in the office to
handle day to day operations. ASAP Now that the tax money has started being deposited.
Council would like to have someone in place within a week or two.
Council agrees the individual needs to have a financial background to assist with the money coming in and
out of the city.
Mayor Wilson stated they will be contacting some retired city managers to see if they would like to work.

C. Discuss, consider and act on bookkeeping systems and procedures
Will be considered once a City Manager is in place.
Possible $20,000 for a bookkeeping program.

D. Discuss, consider and act on goal, office responsibilities
Will be considered once a City Manager is in place.
Monica will meet with Shirley Rogers

E. Discuss, consider and act on hiring the third office employee replacement
No discussion

F. Discuss, consider and act on employee insurance
Monica is gathering information employee insurance.
Will be considered once a City Manager is in place

G. Discuss and report on website
Went live and all was good, however, the calendar crashed as well as Kevin’s computer crashed so he was
unable to look at it at that time.
Brooke also is unable to change any information in the News page of the website.
Kevin was able to get the calendar up and running again. They are just checking all of the plug ins and
making sure they are all working properly.
Applications and permits seem to be working properly because individuals are printing them off and
bringing them in.
Council states they are pleased with the website to date and believe everything needed is on the website as
it should be.


A. Discuss, consider and act on presentation from Don Dykstra- Constellation Lakes
Don Dykstra discussed his project Constellation Lakes which will be located on the southeast side of FM
407 and County Line Road. Don has built homes in eight different counties and 30 municipalities, one of
which was Frisco which was at the time 2000 people and you know how big Frisco is now. Don comes
with a lot of experience and the amenities to make a city better.
Don currently has a project on the North side of Justin on 156 called Timberbrook which includes hiking
trails. Just south of Oliver Creek. The houses range from $270-$400s. Some include Bloomfield Homes
has brought a lot of property at FM 407 and County Line Road which was at the time in Fort Worth ETJ
and is now in the New Fairview ETJ.
Don has closed about 1457 homes last year, are currently building in about 40 neighborhoods and they have
about 12 lots of lands to be developed in the future. About 60% of the new homes being built in DFW are
between $250,000 and $400,000 and in that price range they have the second largest market share.
Their niche as seen on the map tends to be smaller towns and perimeters like Anna, Lavon, Godley and
Alvorado. They are seeing a lot of people who would like their kids to grow up like they grew up in the
country or smaller towns.
Royal crest homes is a venture between the families of Don Dykstra and Peter Paulsen and one other. They
started in 2010 when they stumbled on distressed assets and bought lots in Guy James Ranch and a few lots
in Avery Ranch and they developed them. They bought 110 lots in the second phase of Avery Ranch. You
can tell their area because it has concrete streets and the power lines are all underground. Since then Peter
Paulsen has bought and is developing Falcon Ridge which Don Dykstra is not a part of. Then Bloomfield
bought 1200 acres in Justin and began Timberbrook, which is the first phase.
They really believe in this area. There are not many builders in Tarrant County, most are out of Dallas and
probably don’t even know how to get here so they feel like kind of discovered it. You see for instance with
Charles Schwab’s facility being built on 170/114 which will have over 6000 employees and should be
complete in a few months with the first 1000 moving in. Timberbrook already has four families who work
at Schwab.
In the pictures are homes they have already built and they also did a concept commercial plan which they
will discuss later.
Site plan for Constellation Lakes Pat Goodwin and Warren with Goodwin & Marshall here has been doing
the engineering for them, as most know the property with FM 407 on the North and Sam Reynolds on the
East, Dove Hollow on the South and South County Line Road on the West its about 720 acres. It has an
existing pond which is shallow, but they plan to dig it out and build a 24-acre park and a school site planned.
They have put a commercial site plan on the corner of FM407 and County Line Road. It is hard to believe
now but working with Matthews here, he’s done a lot of work with them. He lives in Flower Mound and
25 years ago right off of FM 407 and since then he has seen FM 407 go from 2 lanes to 6 from 35 to 35
and they see the same thing happening here over the next 25 years. But if you don’t plan for stuff that could
ultimately happen it won’t happen because it ends up cut up in small pieces that are unplanned.
The land plan is to try to be respectful of the people around them by putting the 1 acre and bigger lots on
the perimeter of County Line Road which is similar to what is on Sam Reynolds and see the back side of
Avery Ranch instead of seeing a lot of fences you see custom homes. Peter has priced Falcon Ridge at
about $500,000 so there will be well kept homes on the perimeter. That is their vision.
They do a variety of elevations which lends to customization and one thing they pride themselves on is
their customer wants open plans and windows. Their plans have almost double the windows of the
competition. They have three decorated homes in Justin which Are available for tours during working hours.
They are making the neighborhood walkable which 90% homebuyers want. Trails and walkability. Golf is
a low amenity. Swimming pool is about 40%.
Wider sidewalk on one side of street. Four-mile-long hiking trail around the perimeter just like their Stardust
Phase 1 has gazebo, fishing dock and hill for snow sled or rolling down. This part would be residence/HOA
only but 24 acre park could be New Fairview City Park.
The pool would be for residents only unless it is agreed upon to put it in the 24 acre park and make it a city
Retail concept would be 16000 feet of strip center with a grocery store anchor maybe a restaurant and
shopping. They will try to build that early so the homes have food sources close to home. The goal is to get
something in quickly because this will be a very big intersection someday. County Line Road is the only
straight shot from 114 and the county is spending the money to fix that road right now. They think this plan
will be flexible to whatever comes this way.
There is a pipeline that runs through the property which could be used for a car wash. The corner site is 2
acres set up for possibly a CVS or a Walgreens. Mayor Wilson inquired about the square feet and Don
Dykstra informed him approximately 30,000 sq ft of commercial.
Trying to do things that are timeless because some things may take decades to complete so it must stand
the test of time.
Homes could bring in a million dollars in tax money into New Fairview and commercial its hard to
determine sales tax. They are able to get the sales tax from the purchase of materials routed to the city where
the projects are being built could pay the million in sales tax to New Fairview.
They would provide water and sewage with An approved sewage plant which has not been built yet. There
is a water facility in Avery Ranch and Falcon Ridge. They would put a 16 inch water line around the
perimeter which will also bring water to some neighbors.
Mayor Wilson asked for more information on the sewage and Don Dykstra replied: without a sewer
everything would only be half acre lots. You need the acre for septic system. This is the only piece of
property in New Fairview that could gravity flow.
They did a public improvement district in Justin where they are getting a water tower and Fire
Department. They could do a public improvement which would be funded just from this project to build
the streets, parks and open space. They would work with Aqua Texas to fund the sewer and the water.
They came here tonight to kind of get affirmation that this is something they would like to see in this city.
The alternative is to stay in the ETJ. They would like to annex into the city even though the water and
sewer would come from Aqua Texas and there really isn’t a need to be the city limits. However, they would
like to be in the city limits and they do not want to be in Fort worth. They try to give back to the
neighborhoods they are part of and they appreciate the time to listen.
Falcon Ridge is going very well. Mayor Pro-Tem Scott Johnson stated he went through their tour and loved
it all.
Someone needs to be in charge and take control of the structure of this growth. We can either stick our
hands in the sand and let Fort Worth move in and put a $1.42 on the $100 or we can organize the growth
Northwest ISD is bracing for 36,000 students and 9 high schools.
Scott Johnson asked if there were any allocations for Police and Fire Hubs and it was stated it could be
discussed. They have been talking to Aqua Texas about getting enough pressure for Fire hydrants which
is needed when you have homes on smaller lots. The PID can only be used for Public or City protection.
They can look at PID funding and they have some flexibility.
This community will be built regardless so Scott Johnson requests to know more about the tax money for
the houses. Bloomfield can a lot the taxes for all items purchased to build will be sent to the city of New
Fairview. With Justin they gave them $50,000.
Council is concerned with providing police and fire to the new development. This project is in Denton
County. The home buyers know they are getting 30 cents on 100 which is a benefit to the buyers. Scott
Johnson states Police and Fire is on them. Mayor Wilson stated the County refused to give them money 9
months ago stating it would fall on Rhome and East Wise.
They are looking at 600 Million in assets with this project.
This has no effect on current citizens and is funded by the PID.
Interior has 2000 lots and the Perimeter has 100.
Aqua Texas wants the council to attend their meetings about what will be happening.
It will take years to get all of these homes built in phases.
There are 12 gas sites on this property and it is cheaper to keep them running.
Councilwoman Rebecca McPherson states, whether the council wants the growth or not it is coming and it
would be irresponsible for the city to not take advantage of the opportunity put forth today. Rest of the
council agrees.

B. Discuss, consider and act on Graham Rd zoning with Dennis Johnson
No discussion

C. Discuss, consider and act on an ordinance establishing places for the City Council and
establishing terms for the city council

D. Discuss, consider and act on a resolution ordering a general election for City Council, Place
1, Place 3 and Place 5 and ordering a special election for City Council, Place 2 and Place 4

The City Attorney said that this ordinance will establish seats and identify who is running for what place.
At this time all seats run at large. So if there are 3 seats open the people running for city council are on a
list and the top 3 with the most votes get to be on city council.
Five council seats are up this election. Three for regular election and 2 for a special election. The 2 seats
up in the special election are for the 2 appointed. They are appointed till the end of term till the next general
election. seats 2 and 4 will serve for 1 year and seats 1, 3 and 5 for 2 years. Both elections are held at the
same time. Councilwoman McPhearson made a motion to approve ordinance 2020-01-196
establishing places for city council and mayor. Motion seconded by Councilman White. Motion
passed unanimously. Councilman White made a motion to approve resolution 2020-001-091 calling
the general election to order and special election for MAy 2, 2020. Motion seconded by councilman
Stumm. Motion passed unanimously.


Mayor Pro Tem Johnson adjourned the meeting at 10:30PM. Seconded by councilwoman
McPhearson. Motion passed unanimously.

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