Streets and Roads
In August 2021, Pacheco Koch concluded a roadway capital improvements plan and transportation impact fee study. The purpose of the study was to have a tool (impact fees) to help fund necessary public infrastructure improvements by new developments within the City of New Fairview. Cities across the country use impact fees to help municipal growth pay for its impact on public infrastructure, like roads.
On September 13, 2021, the Council approved a Transportation Impact Fee and accompanying Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for the use of these fees (Resolution #202108-01-178). In an effort to have growth pay for growth, specifically its impact on city roads, this fee is to be used for improvements and expansion of roads on the CIP.
On July 17, 2023, the City entered into a Professional Services Agreement with the City’s contract engineer, Pacheco Koch Consulting Engineers, LLC a wholly owned subsidiary of Westwood Professional Services Inc., to revise the CIP and the Transportation Impact Fee. The update is needed due to anticipated growth patterns for the city. Cities must follow the procedures and requirements specified in Subchapter C, Procedures for Adoption of Impact Fee, Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code, to enact impact fee ordinances. The first phase of this process requires public hearings to secure approval of the land-use assumptions and comprehensive capital improvements plan.
The City Council appointed the Planning and Zoning Commission to serve as the Capital Advisory Committee and staff worked with the committee on recommended revisions to the Capital Improvements Plan and land use assumptions, and the Transportation Impact Fees.
On August 21, 2023, the City Council approved an updated CIP Plan, land use assumptions, and Transportation Impact Fees.